On Being Silenced by Narcissistic Mother

As a young child, I was silenced. Anything that could cause my narcissistic mother to feel bad would invoke a psychotic shriek fest and physical assault, which was enough to traumatize anybody into silence.  I became that shy quiet kid that would play quietly with her dolls and try not to make mommy angry. I […]

Watch "Accepting the Truth That Your Mom is a Narcissist" on YouTube

I have been struggling with recovery even after being 20 months no contact with my narcissistic mother. I have been doing some research, which has led me to my problem. Acceptance.  Meredith’s Video on her youtube channel, Inner Integration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5oGdY9MqISw Skip ahead to 10:36 to get to the part I am referring to.  Resources:This is […]

CPTSD Recovery: Managing Emotional Flashbacks

In this vlog I discuss the importance of being able to recognize when you are having an emotional flashback. I discuss a little more about the kinds of abuse I endured as a child. I also discuss dissociation and the fact that I may have dissociated as a small child to block out the times […]